About Me

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about who I am today.  Some of you may know me through the various Facebook groups that I belong to.  I have been part of the industry off and on for the past twenty years.  However, I have also been battling my own addictions with alcoholism.  Some might say that they don’t want others to know about their drinking and that nobody needs to  know.  However, I feel that after finally giving in and accepting that I truly have a problem and that my life has become unmanageable over the past seventeen years, I have to be honest and let the person I am today be known.

I am very active in the AA program along with my church at New Hope in Arroyo Grande, California.  I participate in the Celebrate Recovery program that is held every Friday night.  So if your ever visiting and you need a place to check out.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I will help direct and guide you if your willing to accept help and suggestions.  I have learned that I couldn’t be coachable in the past for fear of getting out of the way and letting the process take its course.  Being a leader in the industry of networking also takes time.  We can’t expect to become superstars overnight.  Especially if we have a lot of baggage from our past that we are holding on to, by letting it go, only then can we truly learn to grow spiritually as well as emotionally as a human being.

Some of you might say, now why would I want to get involved with someone who is an alcoholic?  Well I don’t blame you.  I probably would have my own reservations about others also.  However, I am here to let others know that recovery is possible and that if you are willing to go to any lengths then you truly can become that leader in the industry.   As I am slowly finding out, maybe some of the others in the recovery program need some of the personal development that is out there,  but they just don’t know where to look.  We only know what we are taught.   Hopefully, in time you will get to know me through my posts and shares on Facebook.

I look forward in helping others succeed whether it be in recovery or in life in general.  Let’s work together in becoming a better person in society.  Let go of your past associations and get out there and find those who are committed to help you succeed.  You can find me on twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.  Feel free to stop by and say hi.

May the rest of 2011 be blessed!

  1. David McBrayer

    To admit it is the first step to recovery. Keep up the awesome work. A person can only be guided if they are willing to let someone guide them. A leader is born.

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